Bite sized life admin - email accounts
Bite sized life admin - because I know that you are busy, so I want to give you some quick tasks that take about five minutes.
Email accounts for your child
Last week we had a very popular post regarding email accounts for your child, why you should set one up and how to use them. In short the idea is to have an account in their full name where you send them photos with little descriptions with two main goals -
record the ‘everyday’ stuff, they will naturally have photos from big events but what about everyday events?
record it in a way that would be useful to anyone who was looking after your child if anything ever happened to you.
Today’s bite sized admin
My bite sized #lifeadmin for today is to just set up the email account. Don’t stress about what to send to it yet or how often, just set up their accounts so that they are ready to go. You have already helped them simply by ‘reserving’ them an email in their full name. Remember, if your own email platform doesn’t have their name available anymore then you could try -
Using their full name (including their middle name)
Using their middle initial
Using their first name and middle name without their last name
There you go, you have created their email account.
Word of warning
Please, please, please use a great and secure password. This doesn’t necessarily have to be a random string of letters and numbers, this blog post (below) steps you through the process of choosing a secure password that you will remember. But do not put a weak password on an email account that you are then going to put all of your child’s details into.
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(Don’t worry they won’t all be about kids, this month’s Estate Planning theme is about kids but next month’s will be more generic).