
Our team love helping locals to buy or sell their property. We have fixed fees and you get an after hours number because we realise that real estate happens outside of business hours.

Debt Recovery

Our team are experienced in commercial litigation and business law, but we also see the reality of debt collection and your desire not to throw good money after bad.

Estate Planning

Do you need an Estate Plan? If the answer is I don’t know, or what is an Estate Plan, then yes you do. We can help with Wills, Powers of Attorney, and Appointments of Enduring Guardian.


Civil Litigation

After earning their experience in the city in large firms our solicitors have moved out to the suburbs, but we still have all the knowledge and skill of a large firm. We would love to help you with your court case, or help you avoid court altogether.

Business Law

Are you running a business, purchasing a business, or you have a dispute with another business? Do you want to set up better systems with your subcontractors, review your internal procedures or get advice on problems at the beginning before they blow up?


Criminal Law

Have you received a Court Attendance Notice? Is your driving licence or other operators licence in jeopardy? Get straight forward advice in plain English about your prospects of success and your options moving forward.

Estates and Probate

Has a family member died and you need help administering the Estate or understanding your rights? We understand that this is a stressful time and will assist you with your Estate, explaining the process in plain English in a timely fashion.


If you want to speak to one of us you can book an appointment with us today.

You will get a free 15 minute telephone call where we can find out about your issue

and let you know how we can help you.