Help the Executor out
Being an Executor has to be one of the most thankless jobs that a person can undertake. Part of the reason is that people don’t fully appreciate how difficult the job is, and they don’t take any steps to help their Executor out.
This is what people think being an Executor is like, this is what most people think the Executor does (i.e. look after the Will).
This view of what an Executor does is not inaccurate, it is just incomplete. You will hear me mention many times in this blog series that an Estate Plan is more than a Will, that there are many things you need to take into account that aren’t covered by that document. Well, the Executor also inherits that problem.
These are some of the problems that an Executor needs to deal with after you die.
Don’t live only thinking about your death
Now to be clear I am not telling you to let your death overshadow your life, and your Executor wouldn’t want that either. In fact what I am saying is that you probably won’t think about these things again after you have finished preparing your Will. Therefore, while you are doing your Will, I also want you to take care of these other things.
There are some steps that you can take while you are preparing your Will and your Estate Plan that will really help the Executor, and also they will help you out during your life too. Things like sorting out your superannuation or a proper filing system for key documents and dates will help you out now and/or in your retirement.
Do think about your death while you are doing your Estate Plan
You won’t need to live only thinking about your death because I will help you to go through all of that with me. I have prepared a book that my Estate Planning clients can work through to help them with their Wills, but also with all the other things like helping out their Executor.
As with most things in life, if you do it quickly and cheaply you will probably have to do it again. I want you to do your Estate Plan properly. I can’t promise you will only do it once, things might change in your life that mean you have to revisit it, but I want it to be properly prepared for your circumstances as they are now.
I want to get started with my Estate Plan
If you want to get started with your Estate Plan then complete your details using my ‘Book now’ button