What does the book cover?
Are you thinking that surely you don’t need a whole book? What could it possibly cover? Well why don’t I tell you.
Chapter 1 - Why are you doing your Wills?
Chapter 2 - Why is Janis giving me homework? - which covers information like this
Chapter 3 - Superannuation - before we start, which covers information like this
Chapter 4 - Stop-gap wills - do post office Wills work?
Chapter 5 - Filing system - where will you keep everything? - which covers information like this
Chapter 6 - Your funeral - what do you want to happen when you die? - which covers information like this
Chapter 7 - Insurance - which covers information like this
Chapter 8 - Assets and liabilities
Chapter 9 - Real Estate
Chapter 10 - Your children - who will look after your children?
Chapter 11 - Attorney and Guardian - who will make decisions if you are still alive?
Chapter 12 - Your Executor - who will administer your Estate
Chapter 13 - Pets
Chapter 14 - Passwords
Chapter 15 - Your beneficiaries
Chapter 16 - Trust options - which deals with information like this
Chapter 17 - Protecting against potential claims - which deals with information like this
Chapter 18 - Next steps
Why do I need all of that?
Most people think that they are asking their Executor to just take care of their assets and liabilities inside of their Will, like the image above suggests. This is why people think that just a document is enough.
In reality what you are asking your Executor to do looks more like this.
Talk to someone who has been an Executor for someone’s Will, ask them which of the two graphics more accurately represents what they went through. The more that you leave to chance, or leave for people to figure out themselves, the more opportunity they have to start arguing with each other.
Estate Planning is more than Wills
I wrote a book with the goal of helping to step you through all of the decisions, because proper Estate Planning can be overwhelming. If you want to find out more about the book then you can do that here.
The process
If you want to understand the process involved in our Estate Planning then you can read more about that here.
If you have heard enough and you know that you need to get started with your Estate Planning then you can go to the ‘Book Janis’ button and either book in a time to chat to me on the phone, or you can send me an email with your initial contact details to get the matter rolling.